What is period poverty?
Although period poverty is not often talked about, it is a global problem that affects millions of people. So it’s important that we all understand what it means and how we can help put an end to it.
What is female genital mutilation (FGM)?
Female genital mutilation (also known as FGM) is a procedure that involves the removal or cutting of any part of female genitalia. It’s definitely a hard topic to talk about, but learning about FGM is important if we want to help fight it.
The more we share our #painstories, the more we dismantle the shame and silence that stops us getting the help we deserve. As part of Project V, we’re taking steps to lift the lid on women’s experiences of pain, to close the gender pain gap one story at a time.
Vapaudutaan V-Zone-tabuista
Me emme luontaisesti häpeä vartaloamme. Me opimme häpeämään sitä. On aika lopettaa häpeäminen.
No niin. Puhutaanpa intiimikokemuksista
Meillä kaikilla on niitä, joten miksi niistä puhuminen ei aina tunnu mukavalta? Omista kokemuksista kertominen voi olla hauskaa ja vapauttavaa.
Miten suojelemme maapalloa
Sinun V-zonesi. Sinun planeettasi. Me välitämme molemmista. Joten etsimme jatkuvasti ympäristöystävällisiä ratkaisuja.